Cardigan Welsh Corgis 101

Herding group

The Cardigan is the larger of two breeds of Welsh Corgis (the more popular Pembroke is the other). Corgis are intelligent and courageous, befitting a small dog developed to herd big livestock. Corgis can be bossy if limits aren’t set and kept. They benefit from early socialization and manners training.

Nationwide Outline Icons Vibrant Blue Heart 24x24pxWhat we love about Cardigan Welsh Corgis

The Cardigan Corgi has a big, fluffy tail

Cardigans are active dogs who don’t allow their short legs to slow them down. They need regular exercise (and portion control) to help with their tendency to put on weight. Keeping them fit is essential to help with the health risks posed by their long backs.

Energy level
Bark level
  • Very vocal
10.5 to 12.5 inches tall
12 to 15 years
25 to 38 lbs

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My pet’s health plannerSM

Mature adult Cardigan Welsh Corgi

5 years to 8 years

Risk level for common Cardigan Welsh Corgi conditions

Intervertebral disc disease

Dental disease


Senior Cardigan Welsh Corgi

9+ years

Risk level for common Cardigan Welsh Corgi conditions

Intervertebral disc disease

Kidney failure


Cardigan Welsh Corgi puppy

0 to 6 months

Risk level for common Cardigan Welsh Corgi conditions

Foreign body ingestion



Young adult Cardigan Welsh Corgi

7 months to 4 years

Risk level for common Cardigan Welsh Corgi conditions


Foreign body ingestion


Mature adult Cardigan Welsh Corgi

5 years to 8 years

Risk level for common Cardigan Welsh Corgi conditions

Intervertebral disc disease

Dental disease


Senior Cardigan Welsh Corgi

9+ years

Risk level for common Cardigan Welsh Corgi conditions

Intervertebral disc disease

Kidney failure


Cardigan Welsh Corgi puppy

0 to 6 months

Risk level for common Cardigan Welsh Corgi conditions

Foreign body ingestion



Young adult Cardigan Welsh Corgi

7 months to 4 years

Risk level for common Cardigan Welsh Corgi conditions


Foreign body ingestion


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Nationwide can help you save on your Cardigan Welsh Corgi's health care no matter what lifestage they’re in.

Get your Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s health information in a free report

3-Fun fact-Cardigan Welsh corgi GettyImages-1155235429

The Cardigan is named for the Cardiganshire area of Wales, which is also the origin of the sweater of the same name.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi coat care and colors

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi has a downy undercoat and a stiff overcoat. Combing down to the skin and then brushing helps prevent the undercoat from matting and reduces shedding. A heavy seasonal shedder, the Corgi benefits from professional bathing and a “blowout” a couple of times a year to reduce flying fur. Avoid wrestling matches at nail trimming time by acclimating puppies to having their feet handled.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi exercise & training

Exercise level

Exercise level

The short legs of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi mean they can get a lot of exercise on a walk without a lot of distance – but they’ll always take more activity if they can get it.



Cardigan Corgis are smart and learn things quickly. They do, however, tend to think they know better than their families do and may consider obedience rather optional. With positive training and consistent handling, they're more likely to see things your way.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi fun facts

Top girl names for Cardigan Welsh Corgis


of Cardigan Welsh Corgis are female


of Cardigan Welsh Corgis are male

Top boy names for Cardigan Welsh Corgis

Nationwide loves Cardigan Welsh Corgis of every name, from Aaron to Zog the Destroyer

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