Staffys 101
Terrier groupThe Staffordshire Bull Terrier, as much as the English Bulldog, has a claim to being the dog of England, and with good reason: The compact, muscular breed has been the best friend to generations of hard-working Britons. Once a scrappy fighting dog, today's Staffy has been largely reformed by responsible breeders into a funny, family-loving dog.
What we love about Staffys
Loving and patient with children
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The Staffordshire Bull Terrier comes from a family of dogs known for their courage and tenacity. When Staffy Bulls were imported from England, U.S. breeders used them to create the larger, leggier American Staffordshire Terrier.
Staffordshire Bull Terrier coat care and colors
Couldn't be easier: Regular brushing to remove loose fur and nail trims and baths as needed.
Should I cut my Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s fur?
How often should I bathe my Staffordshire Bull Terrier?
How often should I groom my Staffordshire Bull Terrier?
Staffy exercise & training
Staffy fun facts
Top girl names for Staffys
of Staffys are female
of Staffys are male
Top boy names for Staffys
Nationwide loves Staffordshire Bull Terriers of every name, from Aaron to Zog the Destroyer
Other breeds like Staffys
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